
Type: Stored procedure

The procedure specified by the system setting "PublishIntegrationProcedure" is called when publish/integration.ashx is loaded.

You use this procedure if your publish site needs to receive communication from third party servers.


@Method mandatory varchar
The HTTP method. Usually either GET or POST, though this depends on the caller.
@Referrer mandatory varchar
The HTTP referrer.

This value is easily forged and must not be used to, for example, verify that the call originates from a trusted server. It is only intended to be used for logging and debugging.
@Ip mandatory varchar
The caller's IP address. Not guaranteed to be an IPv4 address.

This value can be forged and must not be used to, for example, verify that the call originates from a trusted server. It is only intended to be used for logging and debugging.


Resultset: #QueryString

This temp table is available when the procedure is called and contains all query string parameters.

Do note that the table can contain more than one value for the same name.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: zero or more rows
Name mandatory string
The name of the query string parameter.
Value mandatory string
The value of the query string parameter.

Resultset: #Form

This temp table is available when the procedure is called and contains all posted form data.

Do note that the table can contain more than one value for the same name.

This table will in practice always be empty when the method is GET.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: zero or more rows
Name mandatory string
The name of the form field.
Value mandatory string
The value in the form field.

Resultset: #Session

This temp table is available when the procedure is called and contains all session variables.

This table will in practice always be empty when call comes directly from a third party server, but will contain data if the third party redirects the client's browser back to publish.
Table count:
Row count:
Name mandatory string
The name of the session variable.
Value mandatory string
The value of the session variable.

Resultset: Forwarding

This table must be the first returned from the procedure. If present, it is used to redirect the client to a publish page.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: zero or one row
ForwardPageId optional int
Publish page to forward to.
xxx optional string
Value to pass as query string parameter xxx.

Resultset: Session variables

This table must be second returned from the procedure. If present, it is used to update session variables.
Table count:
Row count:
xxx optional string
Value to assign to session variable xxx.