
  • This component is not suitable for users that require assistive technologies. This component is not suitable for users who require assistive technologies.

Interacts with Bankgirot and generates and parses related files.

Component modes: Bankgiro Link | Process files | Generate files | FTP via Internet | Third party files via FTP

Component mode: Process files

Processes files without connecting to Bankgirot.

Bankgiro, plusgiro, and bank account numbers

For bankgiro and plusgiro columns, the component will strip the characters '.', '-', and ' '. All other non-numeric characters will result in an error. The resulting number must contain 10 digits or less.

Bank account numbers should start with the clearing number (four digits) followed by the account number. For clearing numbers with five digits (Swedbank), do not include the fifth digit.


SQL Call: Get files to process (mandatory)

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'Init' for this call.

Resultset: Files to process

Files will be processed in the order given.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: zero or more rows
Action mandatory string
File type.
BankFile mandatory binary
The file to process.
BankFileId mandatory int
File id.

SQL Call: Report on supplier payments (LBUT) [From Bankgirot]

SQL with details of supplier payments. Is only used with LBUT.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'LBUT' for this call.
@Amount decimal
The amount. Negative for credit invoices.
@BankAccountText string
@BankAccountTo string
Account to which the payment was made.
@BankFileId int
The previously assigned id of the file.
@BankgiroFrom string
Account from which the payment was made.
@BankgiroTo string
Account to which the payment was made.
@DateTime datetime
Date when the payment was made.
@Error bit
Indicates an error with the payment.
@ErrorCode string
Bankgirot-specific errorcode.
@ErrorDescription string
Explanatory error message from Bankgirot.
@PaymentId string
The PaymentId specified in LBIN.
@PlusgiroTo string
Account to which the payment was made.
@Reference string
OCR number, Invoice number, or similar.

SQL Call: Customer payments (BGI) [From Bankgirot]

SQL with details of customer payments. Is only used with BGI.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'BGI' for this call.
@Amount decimal
The amount being transferred.
@BankAccountReceiver string
Account to which the payment was made.
@BankFileId int
The previously assigned id of the file.
@BankgiroReceiver string
Account to which the payment was made.
@Currency string
The currency in which the payment was being made.
@DateTime datetime
Date for the payment.
@Information string
Extra information.
@InsertId string
Id of the payment - Bankgirot-specific and unique for two years.
@PayerAddress string
Address of the payer.
@PayerCity string
City of the payer.
@PayerCountry string
Country of the payer.
@PayerName string
Name of payer.
@PayerPostalCode string
Postalcode of the payer.
@PlusgiroReceiver string
Account to which the payment was made.
@Reference string
OCR number, Invoice number, or similar. May contain multiple references separated by ', '.

SQL Call: Autogiro consent confirmation (AGMEDGIVKONF) [From Bankgirot]

SQL to save confirmations of automatic transaction admission registration or withdrawal.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'AGMEDGIVKONF' for this call.
@BankAccount string
@BankFileId int
The previously assigned id of the file.
@BankgiroReceiver string
Account to which payments should be made.
@DateTime datetime
Date when the measure confirmed was carried out.
@Error bit
Returns zero if the operation was successful based on the error code from Bankgirot. One if not.
@ErrorCode int
Error code from Bankgirot.
@ErrorDescription string
Explanatory error message from Bankgirot.
@PayerNumber string
The payer's social security number if service is "Autogiro Privat". The payer's Bankgiro account for "Autogiro Företag".
@Source string
Source which initiated the operation now confirmed.
Possible value Description
@SourceCode int
Bankgirot-specific source code.
@SourceDescription string
Explanatory source message from Bankgirot.
@ValidDateTime datetime
Date when registered account will valid for automatic transactions, i.e. when it can be debited. Only present in the old file format.
@Withdrawal bit
Returns one if the operation now confirmed was a withdrawal, zero if not. Not returned if unknown. The bit is derived by the component as an interpretation of the errorcode.

SQL Call: Autogiro electronic announcement (AGMEDGIVANM) [From Bankgirot]

SQL to save electronic annoucements of admissions for automatic transactions.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'AGMEDGIVANM' for this call.
@BankFileId int
The previously assigned id of the file.
@BankgiroReceiver string
Account to which payments should be made.
@OrgNo string
@PayerCity string
City of the payer.
@PayerElectronicId string
Unique identification for electronic announcement. Should be passed back to Bankgirot in AGMEDGIVREG.
@PayerInformation string
Name and address or the payer.
@PayerMessage string
Message from the payer.
@PayerNumber string
The payer's social security number.
@PayerPostalCode string
Postal code of the payer.
@Ssno string

SQL Call: Automatic transaction status (AGBETRED) [From Bankgirot]

SQL to save reports of success or failure of automatic transactions.

May also include refund information. This only applies to New Autogiro files.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'AGBETRED' for this call.
@Amount decimal
The amount debited. Negative if credited. Value is given with two decimals.
@BankFileId int
The previously assigned id of the file.
@BankgiroReceiver string
Account to which payments were made.
@DateTime datetime
Date for the transaction.
@Error bit
Returns zero if operation was successful. One if not. The bit is derived by the component as an interpretation of the error code.
@ErrorCode string
Bankgirot specific error code.
@ErrorDescription string
Explanatory error message from Bankgirot.
@PayerNumber string
The payer's social security number if service is "Autogiro Privat". The payer's Bankgiro account for "Autogiro Företag".
@Reference string
OCR number, Invoice number, or similar.
@RefundAmount decimal
The refund amount (positive), if this is a refund. The parameters without the Refund prefix refer to the original payment. Only applies to New Autogiro files.
@RefundBankAccount string
Refund receiver bank account. Only applies to New Autogiro files.
@RefundCode int
Code indicating the reason for the refund. Only applies to New Autogiro files.
@RefundDate date
Date when the refund was made. Only applies to New Autogiro files.
@RefundDescription string
Explanation of the refund code. Only applies to New Autogiro files.

SQL Call: Automatic transaction withdrawal status (AGBETMAKRED) [From Bankgirot]

SQL to save reports of success or failure for withdrawal of automatic transaction assignments.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'AGBETMAKRED' for this call.
@Amount decimal
See AgBetMak for details. This parameter is only set if it has a value.
@BankFileId int
The previously assigned id of the file.
@BankgiroReceiver string
Account to which payments were to be made.
@DueDate date
See AgBetMak for details. This parameter is only set if it has a value.
@Error bit
Returns zero if operation was successful. One if not. The bit is derived by the component as an interpretation of the error code.
@ErrorCode string
Bankgirot specific error code.
@ErrorDescription string
Explanatory error message from Bankgirot.
@NewDueDate date
See AgBetMak for details. This parameter is only set if it has a value.
@PayerNumber string
The payer's social security number if service is "Autogiro Privat". The payer's Bankgiro account for "Autogiro Företag".
@Reference string
See AgBetMak for details. This parameter is only set if it has a value.

SQL Call: Report on erroneous eInvoices (FHO) [From Bankgirot]

May modify database: No


@Action string
@Amount decimal
@BankFileId string
@DueDate datetime
@ErrorCode string
@ErrorText string
@InvoiceDate datetime
@InvoiceReferenceNumber string
@PayerNumber string
@ReceiverBankgiroNumber string
@UniqueId string

SQL Call: Report on eInvoice registrations (e-faktura anmälningsärende) (EFA) [From Bankgirot]

Fakturautställaren kan definiera egna fält för anmälningsärenden. Temptabellen #Fields(Name char(3), Value varchar(max)) innehåller de fält som fyllts i av fakturamottagaren.

May modify database: No


@Action string
Set to 'EFA'
@Bank string
The invoice receiver's bank on the format BANK.SE.
@BankFileId string
@DateTime datetime
Registration/deregistration datetime
@InvoiceIssuerOrgNo string
Organization number of the invoice issuer.
@InvoiceIssuerSequenceNumber string
Sequence number for the invoice issuer.
@IsTest bit
Possible value Description
0 Production.
1 Registrations were sent for testing.
@Section int
Sekvensnummer för anmälningstyp.
@Ssno string
The social security number for the invoice receiver
@Withdrawal bit

SQL Call: File successfully parsed

SQL to report when file has been parsed with correct action.

Starting with version 7.8.001: Both this call and the "Finished" call use the @Finished parameter, but only this call will include @BankFileId.

May modify database: Yes


@BankFileId int
The ID of the file.
@Finished bit
Set to '1' by Softadmin® to indicate successful parsing.

SQL Call: Finished (mandatory)

This call is made after all other calls have been made.

Both this call and the "File successfully parsed" call use the @Finished parameter, but only "File successfully parsed" will include @BankFileId.

May modify database: Yes


@Finished bit
Set to 1 for this call.

SQL Call: Validate parameters

Allows you to validate the parameters supplied by the user before any other SQL is run in the component. This call is only made if the component has visible parameters, the SQL is a stored procedure, and Validate parameters is checked.

May modify database: No


@Force bit
Set to 1 if the last call to validate parameters used admin_force and the user clicked OK in the OK/Cancel dialog.
@ValidateParams bit
Set to 1 when this call is made.

Resultset: Messages (optional)

Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: zero or one row
ADMIN_Force optional string
Message asking the end user to confirm their parameters.
ADMIN_Message optional string
Message explaining why the parameters are rejected.

Custom access control and logging

SQL Call: Custom access control and logging

Use this call to restrict which entries a user is allowed to view and edit, and to log which entries a user views.

Access to a menu item is normally controlled through functions and roles alone but some entities need more fine grained control. For example, a user may have access to the View Member menu item for normal members but not for members with a protected identity.

The menu items a user visits are always logged (in ADMINLogMenuItem) but for sensitive data you may need to log exactly what entries are viewed. Do the logging in this call as the common ways of viewing data (grid and InfoSQL) are not allowed to modify the database.

If you bind a scalar function instead of a stored procedure to this call then its name must end with '_GrantAccess'.

May modify database: Yes

Resultset: Access permissions

Return whether the user is allowed to visit the menu item with the current parameters.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: exactly one row
GrantAccess mandatory bit
1 if the user is allowed to view the menu item, 0 if the user should not be allowed to view the menu item.

If 0 then an error will be logged as the user should not have been able to reach the menu item with the given parameters in the first place.

Querystring parameters

menuitemheading optional
String that replaces the menu item name when the menu item is loaded. It does not replace the name before that (like for example in the navigator). It is ignored if the menu item is displayed as a part in a multipart in which case the name can be set from the multipart procedure.