Creates a standardized control to pick multiple columns.
Expects a table #SoftadminGuideMultiControl created by SoftadminGuide.Field_MultiControl_Definition.
Creates an input field begging for a table name.
EXEC SoftadminGuide.FieldStandard_Table_Create
@FieldName = 'TableField',
@Label = 'Choose a table';
Creates a checkbox tree, populated with all columns of the selected table.
The @CustomWhere restricts the choise to columns of type varchar,
beginning with 'A'.
EXEC SoftadminGuide.FieldStandard_Columns_Create
@FieldName = 'ColumnField',
@Label = 'Choose column',
@TableFieldName = 'TableField',
@CustomWhere = ' = ''varchar'' AND LIKE ''A%''';