Release Notes

Show changes between Softadmin® versions and
New functionality
  • Export bundle
    Export bundles can now export table contents.
  • Export bundle
    Export bundles can now export system settings.
  • Guides
    The NewEdit guide can now handle uniqueidentifier primary keys.
  • Guides
    The Delete guide can now handle uniqueidentifier primary keys.
  • Microsoft Graph
    Microsoft Graph now has a setting for how many new call generations can be created, instead of 10.
  • Jobs and Events
    Reduced server load from continuous jobs and events.
Bug fixes
  • Bankgiro Link
    The Bankgiro component would stop working when returning from the BankID app when using the Softadmin® app.
  • Database errors
    When using database errors with logging turned off the error message would not be displayed to the user.
  • Editable Grid
    Dialogs would not be displayed with the correct style and heading when opened from editable grid.
  • Export bundles
    The create bundle wizard would sometimes show the "Add new Parameters" page, even when there are no relevant parameters to add.
  • Info Text, Uneditable Text
    In a Multirow, field dependencies for Info Text and Uneditable Text would ignore the Text mode setting and always assume plaintext.
  • Message box
    Message parameters containing {} could recursively be replaced.
  • Multi autosearch
    The icon on Multi autosearch was not clickable.
  • Multirow
    Multirow could line-break column titles too soon.
  • Settings
    Local and global settings could not be edited for any other module than customer project.
  • Shortcuts
    Global shortcuts, (ESC, ctrl+s, etc.), would not work if focus was in the left menu.
  • Textbox with Autosearch
    Editable grid would crash when editing a cell with the control type "Textbox with Autosearch".
  • Web service publishing raw mode (beta)
    Web service publishing raw mode (beta) would not start after the first deploy unless some files was manually moved to the target system.
  • Web service publishing raw mode (beta)
    Web service publishing raw mode (beta) would crash after a version upgrade.