
Type: Stored procedure

Creates the procedure for a dropdown control.


@ProcedureName mandatory varchar(600)
Name of the created procedure.
@OverwriteProcedure mandatory bit
Whether or not it is allowed to overwrite an existing procedure.
@TableName mandatory nvarchar(600)
Name of the table to base the procedure on.
@IdColumn optional sysname
Column to use as id for the dropdown procedure. Defaults to the primary key.
@LabelColumn optional sysname
Column to use as label for the dropdown procedure. Defaults to the first text column.
@SortColumn optional sysname
Column to use for sorting the dropdown. Defaults to best effort to locate a sort order column.
@DisabledColumn optional sysname
Name of a bit column where a value of 1 incidates that the row should NOT be included.
@DisabledDatetimeColumn optional sysname
Name of a date column where a non NULL value incidates that the row should NOT be included.
@EnabledColumn optional sysname
Name of a bit column where a value of 1 incidates that the row should be included.