
Type: Scalar function

Generates HTML for showing an image.
The Get Database Image call for the snippet is triggered when the image is loaded.


DECLARE @LinkGuid uniqueidentifier;
EXEC SoftadminSnippet.DeclareLink
	@LinkGuidOut = @LinkGuid OUTPUT;

SELECT SoftadminSnippet.DatabaseImage(@LinkGuid, '050DFB5D-6EB2-4C39-B802-2BCC1399EA2C', 'Alt text', 240, 120, NULL) AS Html;

See also


@LinkGuid mandatory uniqueidentifier
@ImageId mandatory nvarchar
This is the parameter for the "Get Database Image" call.
It is strongly recommended to use GUIDs or similar since the value will be part of the URL and can thus be changed.
@Alt mandatory nvarchar
@Width mandatory int
@Height mandatory int
@CssClass optional varchar