
Type: Stored procedure

Creates a new system wide announcement banner. Use the ClientSyncCommunicationMethod setting to show the banner for users without them having to reload the page.

This feature is meant for announcements that affect multiple users. For information that require specific actions, use a notification with a link instead.

These banners should be used sparingly as not to overwhelm users or disturb their work flow.

May use the following optional temp tables

CREATE TABLE #AnnouncementBannerText -- Omit this table and use @BannerText if language support is not needed. 
	LanguageId int NOT NULL, -- Language to display the corresponding text for.
	BannerText nvarchar(300) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE #AnnouncementBannerUser
	UserId int NOT NULL -- User to show the banner for. Omit the table to show for all users.


@AnnouncementBannerIdOut mandatory uniqueidentifier
The Id of the new banner.
@BannerText optional nvarchar(300)
The text to show on the banner. Line breaks will be substituted with spaces. Use #AnnouncementBannerText if language support is needed.
@BannerType optional varchar(30)
The type of the banner. Defaults to Informational
Possible value Description
@EndDatetime optional datetime
End time of the banner. NULL means show until deactivated.
@IsActive optional bit
Whether or not the banner should be shown for users. Defaults to active
@MayBeDismissed optional bit
Whether or not the user may dismiss the banner. Defaults to dismissable
@StartDatetime optional datetime
When the banner is shown. Defaults to current server time.