
Type: Stored procedure

Updates an announcement banner. Use the ClientSyncCommunicationMethod setting to show the banner for users without them having to reload the page.

May use the following optional temp table

CREATE TABLE #AnnouncementBannerText -- Omit this table and use @BannerText if language support is not needed
	LanguageId int NOT NULL, -- Language to display the corresponding text for.
	BannerText nvarchar(300) NOT NULL

If the table is omitted, the existing values are unchanged.


@AnnouncementBannerId mandatory uniqueidentifier
Id of the banner to update.
@BannerText optional nvarchar(300)
The text to show on the banner. Line breaks will be substituted with spaces. Use #AnnouncementBannerText if language support is needed.
@EndDatetime optional datetime
End time of the banner. NULL means show until deactivated.
@IsActive mandatory bit
Whether or not the banner should be shown for users.
@StartDatetime mandatory datetime
When the banner is shown.