
Type: Stored procedure

Updates the progress bar and the message underneath it.

You should always call SoftadminApi.Progress_SetTitle before calling SoftadminApi.Progress_SetStep, but once you've set a title the same title will be automatically used for all following steps.

You can either use indeterminate progress, in which case you omit the @-Steps parameters, or determinate progress, in which case 0 <= @CompletedSteps <= @TotalSteps.

Can be used with Execute, Delete and NewEdit. For Web Service Call, use the component's own columns instead.


@Text optional varchar
A name or other description of the current operation, for example the name of the file currently being processed.
@CompletedSteps optional int
How many steps of the current operation have been completed. Omit this parameter or pass NULL to make the operation's progress indeterminate.
@TotalSteps optional int
How many steps total are to be performed. Omit this parameter or pass NULL to make the operation's progress indeterminate.