
Type: Table-valued function

Used to create temp table #Links, passed to the procedure SoftadminGuide.Link_Create.


Resultset: #Link

Passed to [SoftadminGuide.Link_Create].
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: no rows (only column metadata)
LinkGuid mandatory uniqueidentifier

Identifies a link.

MenuItemGuidFrom mandatory uniqueidentifier

The menu item where the link is shown.

MenuItemGuidTo mandatory uniqueidentifier

The link destination.

LinkType mandatory string

Type of link.

Possible value Description
Miniview tab A tab in a Detail view (TabView).
Row link Row link in a grid.
Top link
LinkAlias optional string

Use only if the link is supposed to be referenced by alias.

ShowOnlyInNavigator optional bit

For row links - show the link only in the navigator popup.