
The security groups used to control access and permissions.

When a user logs in the rows with a non-null RoleId are sorted by SortOrder and the first is then assigned as the user's new role.

The contents of this table are not deployed.

Add row: Allowed
Delete row: Allowed
Foreign key: Allowed


Name Datatype Read Write Primary key Description
AzureAdGroupId uniqueidentifier Yes Yes Yes The group's ID. This value is defined by Azure AD and can be found in the Object ID field under the group's properties in the management console.
GroupName varchar(300) Yes Yes No The group's human-readable name.
Description varchar(4000) Yes Yes No Additional comments.
RoleId int Yes Yes No Used together with SortOrder to determine which role is assigned to users that log in.
SortOrder int Yes Yes No Used together with RoleId.