
The application roles (if any) that this system exports to Azure AD.

You can use the procedure SoftadminApi.AzureAppRole_Export to export the table.

The contents of this table are not deployed.

You should never delete roles that users are assigned to so use the IsEnabled column to disable obsolete roles instead!

Add row: Allowed
Delete row: Allowed
Foreign key: Allowed


Name Datatype Read Write Primary key Description
AzureAppRoleId uniqueidentifier Yes Yes Yes The role's ID, as exported to Azure AD.
RoleName int Yes Yes No The role's human-readable name.
Description varchar(4000) Yes Yes No Additional comments. This field is exported to Azure so it should not contain internal documentation.
IsEnabled bit Yes Yes No Whether the role is enabled or not.

You should never delete roles that users are assigned to so use this column to disable obsolete roles instead!