Stores properties about users in the system.
Name | Datatype | Read | Write | Primary key | Description |
UserId | int | Yes | No | Yes | Primary key for the user. You may create foreign keys referencing this column. |
Username | varchar(50) | Yes | No | No | The username the user uses to login to the system |
UsernameFirst | nvarchar(50) | Yes | Yes | No | Users first name |
UsernameLast | nvarchar(50) | Yes | Yes | No | Users last name |
UsernameFull | nvarchar(101) | Yes | No | No | Concatenation of UsernameFirst and UsernameLast. |
UserEmail | varchar(100) | Yes | Yes | No | Users email address |
RoleId | int | Yes | Yes | No | Reference to the users role in the AMDINRole table |
IsAdministrator | bit | Yes | No | No | Indicates that the user is a Softadmin® administrator. |
LanguageId | int | Yes | Yes | No | Reference to the users default language in the ADMINLanguage table |
IsEnabled | bit | Yes | Yes | No | Indicates whther the account is active, i.e. can be used to login to the system. |
CreateDatetimeUtc | datetime2 | Yes | No | No | Indicates when the account was initially created. |
PasswordHash | binary(64) | No | No | No | Hash of the users password. Will be NULL if the user has no password, for example because they log in using Single Sign-on. |
PasswordHasExpired | bit | Yes | Yes | No | Indicates that the users password has expired and needs to be reset. |
PasswordUpdateDatetimeUtc | datetime2 | Yes | No | No | Indicates that last time the users password was changed. |
MaintenanceUserRightsId | int | No | No | No | Reference to the users maintenance rights in the ADMINMaintenanceUserIRights table. |
CanUseVirtualMenuItems | bit | Yes | No | No | Indicates that the user sees Visual menu items. |
IsHelpAdministrator | bit | No | No | No | Indicates that the user is a help administrator, i.e. is allowed to edit documentation pages for the system. |
PersonalNumber | char(12) | Yes | No | No |
The personal number of the user, set with SoftadminApi.User_UpdatePersonalNumber. Can e.g. be used with the BankID component. |
FirstNameLastName | varchar(101) | Yes | No | No | Concatenation of first and last name. |
LastNameFirstName | varchar(101) | Yes | No | No | Concatenation of last and first name. |
LastSuccessfulLogin | datetimeoffset | Yes | No | No | The last succesful login attempt made by the user. |