
Login keys that have been issued to the Softadmin® Go app.

You can delete rows from this table to destroy keys, for example when a user's mobile device has been stolen.

Add row: Not allowed
Delete row: Allowed
Foreign key: Not allowed


Name Datatype Read Write Primary key Description
UserId int Yes No Yes User the key belongs to.
KeyId uniqueidentifier Yes No Yes The key's id.
AppKey int No No No The key. The format is opaque.
InsertDatetimeUtc datetime Yes No No When the key was created.
LastUsedDatetimeUtc datetime Yes No No Last time the key was used.
ExpiresDatetimeUtc datetime Yes Yes No When the key will expire. This column is used to force key rotation: the user will be issued a new key if logging in with a key that will expire but that has not yet expired.