Magic Box

  • This component is not suitable for users that require assistive technologies. This component is not suitable for users who require assistive technologies.
  • This component is not suitable for use on mobile devies. This component is not suitable for use on mobile devices.

The Magic Box component is used as a planning tool, where users drag & drop boxes between containers.

For example, boxes could represent crates and containers represent delivery trucks, with rows representing fullfilment centers and columns representing shipping dates.

The component is more flexible in its layout than Planner or Calendar, but unlike the more specialized components it offers the end user no filters or date navigation tools out of the box.

Columns, rows, and containers

In its most basic form the component is laid out as a grid, with boxes placed in the cells. You can use the optional Containers table to customize individual cells in the grid, for example to set border or background color.


You can put multiple containers in the same cell, which makes each container a sub-column inside that cell, and then put boxes into the individual containers. You can use row span to make a container span over more than one grid row.


Drop groups

Drop groups are an advanced, optional feature, used when you have boxes that represent incompatible concepts. Boxes can only interact with boxes and containers assigned to the same drop group. For example, you could have different containers representing parking garages and docks, and boxes representing cars and boats, and then use drop groups to prevent users from putting a car in a dock.

The four drop groups are null, 'a', 'b', and 'c', so in the example above you might put cars and garages into the null group and boats and docks in the 'a' group.

Drop groups should only be used when it is immediately obvious to the end user which boxes and containers are incompatible, as the only visual indication they will get is that the cursor will indicate that a drop is not allowed when dragging a box over a container from another drop group.

Security considerations

The procedure must carefully check the values passed to the Drag and drop call.

An attacker can not inject their own id values: only boxes shown in the component can be dragged and they can only be dropped on containers shown in the component. An attacker can however manipulate any boxes that were shown when they opened the menu item, even if they would no longer be returned if the procedure was called again.

An attacker can forge a drag of any box dropped on any container. The CanDrag, CanReorder, CanDrop, and DropGroup columns are not enforced.


SQL Call: Initial layout (mandatory)

Gets columns, rows, containers, and boxes.

May modify database: No

Resultset: Settings (optional)

Optional table with settings controlling the view.
Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: exactly one row
SyncId optional string
The id to listen for sync events on. Required when the component uses collaborative editing.
SyncTimestamp optional string
Arbitrary timestamp to keep track of the latest client sync moment. Required when the component uses collaborative editing.
BoxHeightMin optional decimal
Minimum height in units for a box.
LabelX optional string
Label on x-axis.
LabelY optional string
Label on y-axis. Only works properly in Internet Explorer.
ScaleX optional decimal
How many pixels to use for 1 width unit.
ScaleY optional decimal
How many pixels to use for 1 height unit.
TableLayout optional string
How boxes flow inside containers.
Possible value Description
BottomToTop The first box starts at the bottom of the container, and following boxes are placed above it.
TopToBottom The first box starts at the top of the container, and following boxes are placed below it.

Resultset: Columns

Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: one or more rows
BackgroundColor optional string

Default background color for column's containers. See Colors.

CanDrop optional bit
Default droppability for column's containers. If also specified for rows, both row and column must set CanDrop to 1 for a container be droppable.
ColumnID mandatory string
Column ID.
ColumnWidth optional decimal
Default width (in units) for column's containers.
HeadingHTML optional string
Column heading. Styled HTML. Overrides HeadingText column.
HeadingText optional string
Column heading. Plain text. Shown in bold.
LineColor optional string

Default color for column's containers's left and right border. See Colors.

ToolTip optional string
Column header tooltip. Plain text.

Resultset: Rows

Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: one or more rows
BackgroundColor optional string

Default background color for row's containers. See Colors.

CanDrop optional bit
Default droppability for row's containers. If also specified for columns, both row and column must set CanDrop to 1 for a container be droppable.
HeadingHTML optional string
Row heading. Styled HTML. Overrides HeadingText column.
HeadingText optional string
Row heading. Plain text. Shown in bold.
LineColor optional string

Default color for row's containers's top and bottom border. See Colors.

RowHeight optional decimal
Default height (in units) for row's containers.
RowID mandatory string
Row ID.
ToolTip optional string
Row header tooltip. Plain text.

Resultset: Containers (optional)

Optional table with container information.

Containers are usually mapped to cells on a 1:1 basis, but you can have more than one container in the same cell if you need to.

You do not need to declare containers for every cell, only for those where you want to specify attributes (like heading text or passing fields).
Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: zero or more rows
BackgroundColor optional string

Container's background color. See Colors.

BorderColor optional string

Container's border color. See Colors.

CanDrop optional bit
If boxes can be dropped on container.
ColumnID mandatory string
Column to show container in.
ContainerHeight optional decimal
Container's min height. Containers always expand to contain their boxes.
Container height defaults to the row-table's RowHeight value and there's usually no need to assign an explicit height to a container.
ContainerID optional string
Container ID. Useful if you show more than one container in the same cell.
ContainerWidth optional decimal
Container's width.
DropGroup optional string

Only boxes with the same drop group can be dropped into the container. Return NULL or omit the column to use the default drop group. See the section on Drop groups above for details.

HeadingHTML mandatory string
Container's heading. Styled HTML. Overrides HeadingText.
HeadingText mandatory string
Container's heading. Plain text.
RowID mandatory string
Row to show container in.
RowSpan optional int
How many rows the container should span over. If more than one container share the same cell then then all containers in that cell must have the same row span.

When using row span, you must not put any boxes or containers into the rows that you span over. That is, if you in column 1 on row 1 have a container with row span 2, then you can't put any boxes in column 1 on row 2, since that row is "covered" by the container above it.
Stripes optional string

Extra bands of background color. Declared like this:

'5.5 #ff0000; 1.2 green; 2.2 #00f'

See Colors.

Resultset: Boxes

Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: zero or more rows
BoxID mandatory string
Box ID.
BackgroundColor optional string

Box's background color. See Colors.

BorderColor optional string

Box's border color. See Colors.

BoxHeight mandatory decimal
Box height (in units). If smaller than the specified minimum height for boxes (see the first table) that height is used instead.
BoxHTML optional string
Box's content. Styled HTML. Overrides BoxText.
BoxLayoutedHTML optional string
Box's content. Layouted HTML. Overrides BoxText and BoxHTML.
BoxStyle optional string
CSS declaration. Must be well-formed CSS. Changing border width, padding, etc, will ruin box layout, so don't do it. Never use a string from a user as part of this column for security reasons.
BoxText optional string
Box's content. Plain text.
CanDrag optional bit
If the box can be dragged and dropped on containers where CanDrop = 1.
CanReorder optional bit
If the box can be dragged and reordered with regards to other boxes where CanReorder = 1
ColumnID optional string
Column to show box in. You must specify either RowID and ColumnID or ContainerID.
ContainerID optional string
Row to show box in. You must specify either ContainerID or RowID and ColumnID.
DropGroup optional string

Boxes can only be dropped into containers with the same drop group. Return NULL or omit the column to use the default drop group. See the section on Drop groups above for details.

RowID optional string
Row to show box in. You must specify either RowID and ColumnID or ContainerID.
ShadeBox optional bit
If true, semi-transparent stripes will be drawn above the box's background.
ToolTip optional string
Box's tooltip. Plain text.

SQL Call: Drag and drop

Called when user has dragged and dropped a box.

May modify database: Yes


@BoxIDDrag string
Box that was dragged.
@BoxIDDrop string
Box that the dragged box was dropped above/below.
@ColumnIDDrop string
Column where box was dropped.
@ContainerIDDrop string
Container where box was dropped.
@DropLocation int
Where dragged box was dropped, in relation to the box it was dropped on.
Possible value Description
1 Below
-1 Above
@RowIDDrop string
Row where box was dropped.

Resultset: Boxes (optional)

If present, a partial update of the page is made using the boxes contained in this table. Otherwise the whole box view is reloaded.

Note that partial updates can't be used together with ADMIN_FORCE. After the user has clicked OK the whole box view is always reloaded.

Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: zero or more rows
BoxID mandatory string
Box ID.
BackgroundColor optional string

Box's background color. See Colors.

BorderColor optional string

Box's border color. See Colors.

BoxHeight mandatory decimal
Box height (in units). If smaller than the specified minimum height for boxes (see the first table) that height is used instead.
BoxHTML optional string
Box's content. Styled HTML. Overrides BoxText.
BoxLayoutedHTML optional string
Box's content. Layouted HTML. Overrides BoxText and BoxHTML.
BoxStyle optional string
CSS declaration. Must be well-formed CSS. Changing border width, padding, etc, will ruin box layout, so don't do it. Never use a string from a user as part of this column for security reasons.
BoxText optional string
Box's content. Plain text.
CanDrag optional bit
If the box can be dragged and dropped on containers where CanDrop = 1.
CanReorder optional bit
If the box can be dragged and reordered with regards to other boxes where CanReorder = 1
ColumnID optional string
Column to show box in. You must specify either RowID and ColumnID or ContainerID.
ContainerID optional string
Row to show box in. You must specify either ContainerID or RowID and ColumnID.
DropGroup optional string

Boxes can only be dropped into containers with the same drop group. Return NULL or omit the column to use the default drop group. See the section on Drop groups above for details.

IsDeleted optional bit
Return 1 to remove a box from the page during a partial update.
RowID optional string
Row to show box in. You must specify either RowID and ColumnID or ContainerID.
ShadeBox optional bit
If true, semi-transparent stripes will be drawn above the box's background.
ToolTip optional string
Box's tooltip. Plain text.

Resultset: Raise sync entity (optional)

This SQL call may use SoftadminApi.SyncEntity_RaiseChanged.

Table count: repeated zero or more times
Row count:

SQL Call: Client sync

Called when a sync entity change is raised for the entity and id that the component listens to.

May modify database: No


@Action string
Will be set to 'ClientSync'.
@SyncId string
The sync id that was retrieved from the initial SQL call.
@SyncTimestamp string
The sync timestamp from when the component was last synced.

Resultset: Boxes (optional)

If present, a partial update of the page is made using the boxes contained in this table. Otherwise the whole box view is reloaded.
Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: zero or more rows
BoxID mandatory string
Box ID.
BackgroundColor optional string

Box's background color. See Colors.

BorderColor optional string

Box's border color. See Colors.

BoxHeight mandatory decimal
Box height (in units). If smaller than the specified minimum height for boxes (see the first table) that height is used instead.
BoxHTML optional string
Box's content. Styled HTML. Overrides BoxText.
BoxLayoutedHTML optional string
Box's content. Layouted HTML. Overrides BoxText and BoxHTML.
BoxStyle optional string
CSS declaration. Must be well-formed CSS. Changing border width, padding, etc, will ruin box layout, so don't do it. Never use a string from a user as part of this column for security reasons.
BoxText optional string
Box's content. Plain text.
CanDrag optional bit
If the box can be dragged and dropped on containers where CanDrop = 1.
CanReorder optional bit
If the box can be dragged and reordered with regards to other boxes where CanReorder = 1
ColumnID optional string
Column to show box in. You must specify either RowID and ColumnID or ContainerID.
ContainerID optional string
Row to show box in. You must specify either ContainerID or RowID and ColumnID.
DropGroup optional string

Boxes can only be dropped into containers with the same drop group. Return NULL or omit the column to use the default drop group. See the section on Drop groups above for details.

IsDeleted optional bit
Return 1 to remove a box from the page during a partial update
RowID optional string
Row to show box in. You must specify either RowID and ColumnID or ContainerID.
ShadeBox optional bit
If true, semi-transparent stripes will be drawn above the box's background.
ToolTip optional string
Box's tooltip. Plain text.

Resultset: Sync Timestamp

Updated sync timestamp that will be sent as a parameter to the next client sync call.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: exactly one row
SyncTimestamp mandatory string
The timestamp.

SQL Call: Validate parameters

Allows you to validate the SQL parameters before any other SQL is run in the component. This call is only made if the SQL is a stored procedure and Validate parameters is checked.

May modify database: No


@Force bit
Set to 1 if the last call to validate parameters used admin_force and the user clicked OK in the OK/Cancel dialog.
@ValidateParams bit
Set to 1 when this call is made.

Resultset: Messages (optional)

Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: zero or one row
ADMIN_Force optional string
Message asking the end user to confirm their parameters.
ADMIN_Message optional string
Message explaining why the parameters are rejected.


See the InfoSQL documentation for details.

Custom access control and logging

SQL Call: Custom access control and logging

Use this call to restrict which entries a user is allowed to view and edit, and to log which entries a user views.

Access to a menu item is normally controlled through functions and roles alone but some entities need more fine grained control. For example, a user may have access to the View Member menu item for normal members but not for members with a protected identity.

The menu items a user visits are always logged (in ADMINLogMenuItem) but for sensitive data you may need to log exactly what entries are viewed. Do the logging in this call as the common ways of viewing data (grid and InfoSQL) are not allowed to modify the database.

If you bind a scalar function instead of a stored procedure to this call then its name must end with '_GrantAccess'.

May modify database: Yes

Resultset: Access permissions

Return whether the user is allowed to visit the menu item with the current parameters.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: exactly one row
GrantAccess mandatory bit
1 if the user is allowed to view the menu item, 0 if the user should not be allowed to view the menu item.

If 0 then an error will be logged as the user should not have been able to reach the menu item with the given parameters in the first place.

Querystring parameters

menuitemheading optional
String that replaces the menu item name when the menu item is loaded. It does not replace the name before that (like for example in the navigator). It is ignored if the menu item is displayed as a part in a multipart in which case the name can be set from the multipart procedure.