
  • This component is not suitable for users that require assistive technologies. This component is not suitable for users who require assistive technologies.

Interacts with Bankgirot and generates and parses related files.

Component modes: Bankgiro Link | Process files | Generate files | FTP via Internet | Third party files via FTP

Component mode: Bankgiro Link

Uses the Bankgiro Link web service to send and receive supplier/customer payment orders and to handle automatic transaction assignments (Autogiro) as well as electronic invoices.

For "BankID Security Application" installation instructions, see

Bankgiro, plusgiro, and bank account numbers

For bankgiro and plusgiro columns, the component will strip the characters '.', '-', and ' '. All other non-numeric characters will result in an error. The resulting number must contain 10 digits or less.

Bank account numbers should start with the clearing number (four digits) followed by the account number. For clearing numbers with five digits (Swedbank), do not include the fifth digit.

Mobile BankID

The button for Mobile BankID will only be enabled if the current user's personal number has been registered with SoftadminApi.User_UpdatePersonalNumber.

For a list of banks supporting Mobile BankID, see the table at the end of the Bankgiro Link Overview. Even if a bank is listed as supporting Mobile BankID, it might not support all file types and operations. The only way to know for sure is to contact the bank directly.


Files are signed by the current user with BankID when they are uploaded.

Component settings

File types to download
Only files of the specified types will be downloaded when the component downloads files.


SQL Call: Get actions (mandatory)

SQL to retrieve what kind of files are being transferred or files already download that should be processed now.

May modify database: Yes

Resultset: Actions

Resultset with one column for each outgoing filetype and columns to set download behavior.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: exactly one row
AGBETMAK optional bit
Withdrawal of automatic transactions. Leave blank or set to zero when not using it. Otherwise set to 1. Triggers call AGBETMAK and 6.
AGBETUND optional bit
Initiation of automatic transactions. Leave blank or set to zero when not using it. Otherwise set to 1. Triggers call AGBETUND and 6.
AGMEDGIVREG optional bit
Registration and/or withdrawal of admission to use bank account for automatic transactions. Leave blank or set to zero when not using it. Otherwise set to 1. Triggers call AGMEDGIVREG and 6.
BatchId mandatory int
The id identifying the current run - will be used in all the following database calls.
BgcCustomerNumber optional int
Sets the customer number to use instead of the application variable BgcWsCustomerNumber.
BgcDownload optional bit
Download files from Bankgirot. Set to any non-zero value when files should be downloaded. Leave blank or set to zero when no files should be downloaded. Triggers call "Files already downloaded" and "Save file from Bankgirot".
BgcDownloadProcess optional bit
Set to any non-zero value to process downloaded files with appropriate action. Set to zero if downloaded files should just be saved to database in order to be processed later. May trigger calls LBUT, BGI, AGMEDGIVKONF, AGMEDGIVANM, AGBETRED, AGBETMAKRED, FHO, EFA, and EFMEDGIVANM (depending on downloaded filetypes) and call 16.
EF optional bit
Electronic invoice. Triggers call EF.
LBIN optional bit
Outgoing supplier payments. Leave blank or set to zero when not using it. Otherwise set to 1. Triggers call LBIN and 6.
NumberOfRequestedSigners optional int
The number of signers needed for uploaded files.
Default: Defaults to 1.

Resultset: Bankgirot customer numbers to receive files for (optional)

If this result set is omitted, the component will only download files for one customer number.
Otherwise, the component will only download files for the customer numbers specified in this result set.
Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: zero or more rows
ReceiveBgcCustomerNumber mandatory int
Bankgirot customer number.

Resultset: Process already downloaded files (optional)

Used when processing already downloaded files. The files will be processed in the order given.
Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: one or more rows
Action mandatory string
Specify file type.
Possible value Description
AG Triggers call AGMEDGIVKONF, AGMEDGIVANM, AGBETRED, or AGBETMAKRED depending on file contents.
BGI Triggers call BGI.
FHO Triggers call FHO, EFA, or EFMEDGIVANM depending on file contents.
LBUT Triggers call LBUT.
BankFile mandatory binary
A file of the type described in "Action".
BankFileId mandatory int
The ID of the file.

Resultset: Files to approve (optional)

Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: zero or more rows
Bgc_FileIdToApprove mandatory string
Id of the file to approve. Triggers the "File approved" call.

SQL Call: Files already downloaded

SQL to tell the component which files have already been downloaded. Files older than 30 days will never be downloaded. If resultset is empty all files will be fetched.

May modify database: No


@ListFiles bit
Set to 1 by Softadmin® for this call.

Resultset: List of downloaded files

Resultset with one row for every file that has alreday been downloaded from Bankgirot.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: zero or more rows
Bgc_FileId mandatory string
The file id assigned by Bankgirot, retrieved from previous incoming file database calls.

SQL Call: Order supplier payments (LBIN) [To Bankgirot]

SQL with rows corresponding to supplier payments. Is used to send LBIN files to Bankgirot.

May modify database: No


@Action string
Set to 'LBIN' by Softadmin® for this call.
@BatchId string
Passes the current batchid.

Resultset: Payments

Resultset that contains information to be sent to Bankgirot. One row corresponds to one payment.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: zero or more rows
Amount mandatory decimal
The amount being transferred. Two decimals for ören or cents, depending on currency.
Should be negative for credit invoices (PaymentType 16 or 17).
BankAccountText mandatory string
A message to the receiver. Texts longer than 12 characters will be truncated.
BankAccountTo optional string
The account to which the payment should be made.
BankgiroFrom mandatory string
The account from which the payment should be made.
BankgiroTo optional string
The account to which the payment should be made.
Currency mandatory string
The currency in which the payment is being made. Currently, Bankgirot only supports SEK.
Possible value Description
SEK Specifies Swedish Krona as the currency for the transaction.
PayDate mandatory datetime
The payment date. For credit invoices, this is the last monitoring date.
PaymentId mandatory string
A number uniquely identifying the payment. Used in the LBUT call.
PaymentType optional int
Specifies the type of payment.

Credit invoices are monitored by Bankgirot until the date specified in the PayDate column, and are automatically matched against debit invoices to the same receiver.

Note: Credit invoices can not be used with PlusGiro.
Possible value Description
14 Payment
16 Credit invoice
17 Credit invoice, whole amounts
PlusGiroTo optional string
The account to which the payment should be made.
Reference mandatory string
OCR number, invoice number, or similar. Texts longer than 25 characters will be truncated.
Salary optional bit
Indicates a salary payment. Only applicable to bank account payments.

SQL Call: Autogiro admissions (AGMEDGIVREG) [To Bankgirot]

Is used to send AGMEDGIVREG files to Bankgirot. SQL with rows corresponding to payers whose admission, to be eligible for automatic transactions, should be registered or withdrawn. Accounts must be registered with AGMEDGIVREG before automatic transactions can be set up using AGBETUND.

May modify database: No


@Action string
Set to 'AGMEDGIVREG' for this call.
@BatchId string
Passes the current batchid.

Resultset: Admissions and withdrawals

Resultset with one row for every admission or withdrawal.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: one or more rows
BankgiroFrom optional string
Deprecated. The payer's Bankgiro account. Used as payer number if PayerNumber has not been specified.
BankgiroTo mandatory string
The account to which the payment should be made.
IsRejected optional bit
Set to 1 to reject a new mandate via the Internet bank.
OrganizationNumber optional string
The payer's organization number (10 digits).
PayerBankAccount optional string
The payer's bank acccount number. Must be returned if admission have been announced by mail form. Formatted as XXXXYYYYYYYYYYYY, where XXXX is the clearing number. If the account number is shorter than twelve digits, insert zeroes between clearing no. and account no. If account is "personkonto", using SSNO, the clearing no. should be 3300, if account is in "Handelsbanken" the clearing no. should be 6000. Not used with the service "Autogiro Företag".
PayerElectronicId optional string
ID number from electronic annoucement of admission. Retrieved from an AGMEDGIVANM file. Must be returned if admission has been announced electronically. Not used with the service "Autogiro Företag".
PayerNumber mandatory string
The payer number to use. Can contain at most 16 digits.
SSNO optional string
The payer's social security number. Formatted as YYYYMMDDXXXX. Used as payer number if PayerNumber has not been specified.
Withdraw optional bit
Set to one to withdraw admission. Leave blank or set to zero to register.

SQL Call: Autogiro payments (AGBETUND) [To Bankgirot]

Is used to send AGBETUND files to Bankgirot. SQL returning details for automatic transaction initiation. Payers must have been registered for automatic transactions by means of AGMEDGIVREG previously.

May modify database: No


@Action string
Set to 'AGBETUND' for this call.
@BatchId string
Passes the current batchid.

Resultset: Autogiro transactions

Resultset with one row for every assignment of automatic transactions.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: one or more rows
Amount mandatory decimal
The amount to be debited at every occasion within the assignment. If negative, the amount will be credited. Accepts the amount with up to two decimal spaces.
BankgiroFrom optional string
Deprecated. The payer's Bankgiro account. Used as payer number if PayerNumber has not been specified.
BankgiroTo mandatory string
The account to which the payment should be made.
PayDate mandatory datetime
The date when first payment for this assignment should be made. If is NULL the payment will be carried out as soon as possible (only allowed if PaymentInterval is set to "ONCE").
PayerNumber mandatory string
The payer number to use. Can contain at most 16 digits.
PaymentCount mandatory int
Number of times payment should be carried out until the assignment expires. If value is omitted or NULL, the assignment will run indefinitely.
PaymentInterval mandatory string
Interval between payments.
Possible value Description
FULLYEAR Transaction occurs yearly.
HALFYEAR Transaction occurs every half year.
MONTH Transaction occurs monthly.
ONCE Transaction occurs only once.
QUARTER Transaction occurs quarterly.
Reference mandatory string
OCR No, Invoice No. or similar. Maximum length 16 characters.
SSNO optional string
Deprecated. The payer's social security number. Formatted as YYYYMMDDXXXX. Used as payer number if PayerNumber has not been specified.

SQL Call: Withdraw autogiro assignments (AGBETMAK) [To Bankgirot]

Is used to send AGBETMAK files to Bankgirot. SQL returning identification info for assignment to be withdrawn. Withdrawal will be effective for all assigments corresponding to a combination of payer number and BankgiroTo number. Only revokes the assignments from AGBETUND, not the admission through AGMEDGIVREG.

The following combinations are available for cancellations:
The above + DueDate
The above + Amount
The above + Reference

The following combinations are available for amendments:
The above + DueDate
The above + PayerNumber
The above + Amount
The above + Reference

Recurring payments can not be amended.

May modify database: No


@Action string
Set to 'AGBETMAK' for this call.
@BatchId string
Passes the current batchid.

Resultset: Withdraw assignments

Resultset with one row for every combination of Bankgiro number and payer SSNO whose assignments should be withdrawn.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: one or more rows
Amount optional decimal
The cancellation/amendment only applies to payments with this amount.
BankgiroFrom optional string
Deprecated. The payer's Bankgiro account. Used as payer number if PayerNumber has not been specified.
BankgiroTo mandatory string
The account to which the payment should be made.
DueDate optional date
The cancellation/amendment only applies to payments with this due date.
NewDueDate optional date
Indicates that this is an amendment instead of a cancellation, and that the due date should be changed to this due date.
PayerNumber mandatory string
The payer number to use. Can contain at most 16 digits.
Reference optional string
The cancellation/amendment only applies to payments with this reference.
SSNO optional string
Deprecated. The payer's social security number. Formatted as YYYYMMDDXXXX. Used as payer number if PayerNumber has not been specified.

SQL Call: Create electronic invoice to receiver (EF) [To Bankgirot]

Is used to send BGC INVOICE files to Bankgirot.
The call is only made if the EF column is set in the 'Get Actions' database call.

May modify database: No


@Action string
@BatchId string

Resultset: Batch info

Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: zero or one row
SenderAccountBG mandatory string
The bankgiro account of the Sender.

Ett bankgiro- eller plusgironr anges som ett rent numeriskt värde. Numret har fastlängd, 10 tecken, högerställt samt nollutfyllt utan bindestreck enligt formatet ZZNNNNNNNN.
SenderAccountPG optional string
The postgiro account of the Sender.

Ett bankgiro- eller plusgironr anges som ett rent numeriskt värde. Numret har fastlängd, 10 tecken, högerställt samt nollutfyllt utan bindestreck enligt formatet ZZNNNNNNNN.
SenderAddress1 optional string
The first address row of the Sender.
SenderAddress2 optional string
The second addressrow of the Sender.
SenderAddressCity optional string
The city of the Senders address.
SenderAddressCountry optional string
The country name of the Senders address.
SenderAddressCountryCode optional string
The country code of the Senders address.
SenderAddressZipCode optional string
The zip code of the Senders address.
SenderName mandatory string
The name of the Sender.
SenderOrgNo mandatory string
The organization number of the Sender.
SenderVATNo mandatory string
The VAT number of the Sender.
SenderVATText optional string
The VAT info of the Sender. i.e. "Innehar F-skattsedel".
TestCode optional string
Electronic invoices can only be sent to Bankgirot in a production environment.
To do a test, a test code has to be applied.
Valid codes are C (Certify) or T (Test).
In a B2C scenario:
- Applying "C" or "T", the invoices will only reach Bankgirot.
In a B2B scenario:
- Applying "C", the invoices will only reach Bankgirot but will be validated against the receivers unique controls.
- Applying "T", the invoices will be sent so the receiver. The receiver has to be able to handle the test.

Resultset: Invoice headings

The order will be used in the output to Bankgirot.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: one or more rows
AmountNet mandatory decimal
The net amount of the invoice.
AmountTotal mandatory decimal
The total amount of the invoice.
AmountVat mandatory decimal
The VAT amount of the invoice.
Autogiro optional bit
Set to '1' if receiver pay by autogiro
ChangeableAmount optional bit
Set to 1 if the amount can be changed.
Currency mandatory string
The currency of the invoice.
DueDate mandatory datetime
The due date of the invoice.
InvoiceAddress1 optional string
The first address line of the invoice.
InvoiceAddress2 optional string
The second address line of the invoice.
InvoiceAddressCity optional string
The city of the invoice address.
InvoiceAddressCountry optional string
The country name of the invoice address.
InvoiceAddressCountryCode optional string
The country code of the invoice address.
InvoiceAddressZipCode optional string
The zip code of the invoice address.
InvoiceDate mandatory datetime
The invoice date of the invoice.
InvoiceNumber mandatory int
The invoice number of the invoice.
This is the key column. Any duplicates will be ignored.
ReceiverBankCode optional string
The code that indentifies the receivers bank (B2C). Mandatory for B2C.
Possible value Description
AAB Ålandsbanken
FINN Sparbanken Öresund
FSPA Swedbank
ICA ICA banken
LFB Länsförsä
NB Nordea
OEB Danske Bank
SHB Handelsbanken
SKB Skandiabanken
SYD Sparbanken Syd
ReceiverBankId optional int
MUST be included if the receiver has "automatiskt kvitterad anmälan". DO NOT INCLUDE OTHERWISE.

For a table of bank id values, see the last page of the manual "E-faktura Anmälningsärende", available online at
ReceiverCostCenter optional string
The cost center given by the invoice Receiver.
ReceiverName mandatory string
The name of the invoice Receiver.
ReceiverNr optional string
The Senders number of the invoice Receiver.
ReceiverOrderNr optional string
The order number given by the invoice Receiver.
ReceiverReference optional string
The reference given by the invoice Receiver.
ReceiverRegNo mandatory string
The 12 digit Social Security Number (B2C) or the 10 digit Organization Number (B2B) of the invoice Receiver.
Reference mandatory string
Must be a valid OCR number.
SenderEmail optional string
An email address given by the invoice Sender.
SenderFax optional string
A fax number given by the invoice Sender.
SenderMessage optional string
A message given by the invoice Sender.
SenderOrderNr optional string
An ordernumber given by the invoice Sender.
SenderPhone optional string
A phone number given by the invoice Sender.
SenderReference optional string
A reference given by the invoice Sender.

Resultset: Invoice rows

The order will be used in the output to Bankgirot.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: one or more rows
APriceNet optional decimal
The unit net price of the invoice row.
APriceVat optional decimal
The unit VAT price of the invoice row.
ArticleNr optional string
The article number of the invoice row.
Description mandatory string
The article description of the invoice row.
InvoiceNumber mandatory int
The invoice number (OCR) of the invoice that the invoice row belongs to.
If this number has no match in the previous action, the row will be ignored.
Quantity optional int
The quantity of the invoice row.
QuantityUnit optional string
The quantity unit of the invoice row.
RowIndex mandatory int
Combined with the invoice number this is the unique key of the invoice row.
The row index do not override the order of output. It is only a key in the collection.
If there is a match in the previous rows, the row will be ignored.
RowText optional string
A text describing the invoice row.

SQL Call: File sent to Bankgirot

SQL to save the finished generated file and is called after the file has been sent to Bankgirot. A Success report is included in the call. It is used with "LBIN", "AGMEDGIVREG", "AGBETUND", "AGBETMAK", or "EF".

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Indicates the type of file sent.
Possible value Description
AGBETMAK Withdraw autogiro assignment.
AGBETUND Autogiro assignment.
AGMEDGIVREG Autogiro admission.
EF eInvoice
LBIN Supplier payment
@BankFile binary
Passes the finished file.
@BatchId string
Passes the current batchid.
@Bgc_FileId string
The Bankgirot assigned id of the uploaded file. Can be used in the "Files to approve" result set of the "Get actions call".
Only set if NumberOfRequestedSigners is greater than one.
@StatusMessage string
Bankgirot-specific status message - set to "OK" if file was valid.

SQL Call: File approved

This call is made once for each file in the "Files to approve" result set of the "Get actions" call.

May modify database: Yes


@BatchId int
Passes the current batchid.
@Bgc_FileId string
The id of the file that the user tried to approve.
@IsExtraApproval bit
Set to 1 for this call.
@StatusMessage string
Bankgirot specific status message. Set to "OK" if the file was successfully approved by the user. All other messages indicate an error.

SQL Call: Save file from Bankgirot

SQL for saving downloaded files to database. N.b. Bgc_FileId should be stored in database for future use.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Type of file.
Possible value Description
@BankFile binary
Passes the downloaded file.
@BatchId string
Passes the current batchid.
@Bgc_FileId string
The Bankgirot-assigned id of the file.

Resultset: File id

Resultset that contains the id of the file.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: exactly one row
BankFileId mandatory int
File id.

SQL Call: Report on supplier payments (LBUT) [From Bankgirot]

SQL with details of supplier payments. Is only used with LBUT.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'LBUT' for this call.
@Amount decimal
The amount. Negative for credit invoices.
@BankAccountText string
@BankAccountTo string
Account to which the payment was made.
@BankFileId int
The previously assigned id of the file.
@BankgiroFrom string
Account from which the payment was made.
@BankgiroTo string
Account to which the payment was made.
@DateTime datetime
Date when the payment was made.
@Error bit
Indicates an error with the payment.
@ErrorCode string
Bankgirot-specific errorcode.
@ErrorDescription string
Explanatory error message from Bankgirot.
@PaymentId string
The PaymentId specified in LBIN.
@PlusgiroTo string
Account to which the payment was made.
@Reference string
OCR number, Invoice number, or similar.

SQL Call: Customer payments (BGI) [From Bankgirot]

SQL with details of customer payments. Is only used with BGI.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'BGI' for this call.
@Amount decimal
The amount being transferred.
@BankAccountReceiver string
Account to which the payment was made.
@BankFileId int
The previously assigned id of the file.
@BankgiroReceiver string
Account to which the payment was made.
@Currency string
The currency in which the payment was being made.
@DateTime datetime
Date for the payment.
@Information string
Extra information.
@InsertId string
Id of the payment - Bankgirot-specific and unique for two years.
@PayerAddress string
Address of the payer.
@PayerCity string
City of the payer.
@PayerCountry string
Country of the payer.
@PayerName string
Name of payer.
@PayerPostalCode string
Postalcode of the payer.
@PlusgiroReceiver string
Account to which the payment was made.
@Reference string
OCR number, Invoice number, or similar. May contain multiple references separated by ', '.

SQL Call: Autogiro consent confirmation (AGMEDGIVKONF) [From Bankgirot]

SQL to save confirmations of automatic transaction admission registration or withdrawal.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'AGMEDGIVKONF' for this call.
@BankAccount string
@BankFileId int
The previously assigned id of the file.
@BankgiroReceiver string
Account to which payments should be made.
@DateTime datetime
Date when the measure confirmed was carried out.
@Error bit
Returns zero if the operation was successful based on the error code from Bankgirot. One if not.
@ErrorCode int
Error code from Bankgirot.
@ErrorDescription string
Explanatory error message from Bankgirot.
@PayerNumber string
The payer's social security number if service is "Autogiro Privat". The payer's Bankgiro account for "Autogiro Företag".
@Source string
Source which initiated the operation now confirmed.
Possible value Description
@SourceCode int
Bankgirot-specific source code.
@SourceDescription string
Explanatory source message from Bankgirot.
@ValidDateTime datetime
Date when registered account will valid for automatic transactions, i.e. when it can be debited. Only present in the old file format.
@Withdrawal bit
Returns one if the operation now confirmed was a withdrawal, zero if not. Not returned if unknown. The bit is derived by the component as an interpretation of the errorcode.

SQL Call: Autogiro electronic announcement (AGMEDGIVANM) [From Bankgirot]

SQL to save electronic annoucements of admissions for automatic transactions.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'AGMEDGIVANM' for this call.
@BankFileId int
The previously assigned id of the file.
@BankgiroReceiver string
Account to which payments should be made.
@OrgNo string
@PayerCity string
City of the payer.
@PayerElectronicId string
Unique identification for electronic announcement. Should be passed back to Bankgirot in AGMEDGIVREG.
@PayerInformation string
Name and address or the payer.
@PayerMessage string
Message from the payer.
@PayerNumber string
The payer's social security number.
@PayerPostalCode string
Postal code of the payer.
@Ssno string

SQL Call: Automatic transaction status (AGBETRED) [From Bankgirot]

SQL to save reports of success or failure of automatic transactions.

May also include refund information. This only applies to New Autogiro files.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'AGBETRED' for this call.
@Amount decimal
The amount debited. Negative if credited. Value is given with two decimals.
@BankFileId int
The previously assigned id of the file.
@BankgiroReceiver string
Account to which payments were made.
@DateTime datetime
Date for the transaction.
@Error bit
Returns zero if operation was successful. One if not. The bit is derived by the component as an interpretation of the error code.
@ErrorCode string
Bankgirot specific error code.
@ErrorDescription string
Explanatory error message from Bankgirot.
@PayerNumber string
The payer's social security number if service is "Autogiro Privat". The payer's Bankgiro account for "Autogiro Företag".
@Reference string
OCR number, Invoice number, or similar.
@RefundAmount decimal
The refund amount (positive), if this is a refund. The parameters without the Refund prefix refer to the original payment. Only applies to New Autogiro files.
@RefundBankAccount string
Refund receiver bank account. Only applies to New Autogiro files.
@RefundCode int
Code indicating the reason for the refund. Only applies to New Autogiro files.
@RefundDate date
Date when the refund was made. Only applies to New Autogiro files.
@RefundDescription string
Explanation of the refund code. Only applies to New Autogiro files.

SQL Call: Automatic transaction withdrawal status (AGBETMAKRED) [From Bankgirot]

SQL to save reports of success or failure for withdrawal of automatic transaction assignments.

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
Set to 'AGBETMAKRED' for this call.
@Amount decimal
See AgBetMak for details. This parameter is only set if it has a value.
@BankFileId int
The previously assigned id of the file.
@BankgiroReceiver string
Account to which payments were to be made.
@DueDate date
See AgBetMak for details. This parameter is only set if it has a value.
@Error bit
Returns zero if operation was successful. One if not. The bit is derived by the component as an interpretation of the error code.
@ErrorCode string
Bankgirot specific error code.
@ErrorDescription string
Explanatory error message from Bankgirot.
@NewDueDate date
See AgBetMak for details. This parameter is only set if it has a value.
@PayerNumber string
The payer's social security number if service is "Autogiro Privat". The payer's Bankgiro account for "Autogiro Företag".
@Reference string
See AgBetMak for details. This parameter is only set if it has a value.

SQL Call: Report on erroneous eInvoices (FHO) [From Bankgirot]

May modify database: No


@Action string
@Amount decimal
@BankFileId string
@DueDate datetime
@ErrorCode string
@ErrorText string
@InvoiceDate datetime
@InvoiceReferenceNumber string
@PayerNumber string
@ReceiverBankgiroNumber string
@UniqueId string

SQL Call: Report on eInvoice registrations (e-faktura anmälningsärende) (EFA) [From Bankgirot]

Fakturautställaren kan definiera egna fält för anmälningsärenden. Temptabellen #Fields(Name char(3), Value varchar(max)) innehåller de fält som fyllts i av fakturamottagaren.

May modify database: No


@Action string
Set to 'EFA'
@Bank string
The invoice receiver's bank on the format BANK.SE.
@BankFileId string
@DateTime datetime
Registration/deregistration datetime
@InvoiceIssuerOrgNo string
Organization number of the invoice issuer.
@InvoiceIssuerSequenceNumber string
Sequence number for the invoice issuer.
@IsTest bit
Possible value Description
0 Production.
1 Registrations were sent for testing.
@Section int
Sekvensnummer för anmälningstyp.
@Ssno string
The social security number for the invoice receiver
@Withdrawal bit

SQL Call: Electronic Invoice announcement (EFMEDGIVANM) [From Bankgirot]

May modify database: Yes


@Action string
@Amount decimal
The amount, if the registration was in conjunction with a payment.
@BankFileId int
@BankgiroNumber string
@BankId int
The numerical identity of the bank. Not available if the consent information comes from the EGiro format.

See the last page of the manual "E-faktura Anmälningsärende", available online at
@DateTime string
@DueDate datetime
The due date of the invoice, if the registration was in conjunction with a payment.
@IsTest bit
@Ocr string
The OCR number, if the registration was in conjunction with a payment.
@PayerNumber string
@Ssno string
@Withdrawal bit
Returns one if the operation was a withdrawal, zero if not. Not returned if unknown. The bit is derived by the component as an interpretation of the error code.

SQL Call: File successfully parsed

SQL to report when file has been parsed with correct action.

Starting with version 7.8.001: Both this call and the "Finished" call use the @Finished parameter, but only this call will include @BankFileId.

May modify database: Yes


@BankFileId int
The ID of the file.
@Finished bit
Set to '1' by Softadmin® to indicate successful parsing.

SQL Call: Finished (mandatory)

This call is made after all other calls have been made.

Both this call and the "File successfully parsed" call use the @Finished parameter, but only "File successfully parsed" will include @BankFileId.

May modify database: Yes


@Finished bit
Set to 1 for this call.

SQL Call: Validate parameters

Allows you to validate the SQL parameters before any other SQL is run in the component. This call is only made if the SQL is a stored procedure and Validate parameters is checked.

May modify database: No


@Force bit
Set to 1 if the last call to validate parameters used admin_force and the user clicked OK in the OK/Cancel dialog.
@ValidateParams bit
Set to 1 when this call is made.

Resultset: Messages (optional)

Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: zero or one row
ADMIN_Force optional string
Message asking the end user to confirm their parameters.
ADMIN_Message optional string
Message explaining why the parameters are rejected.

Custom access control and logging

SQL Call: Custom access control and logging

Use this call to restrict which entries a user is allowed to view and edit, and to log which entries a user views.

Access to a menu item is normally controlled through functions and roles alone but some entities need more fine grained control. For example, a user may have access to the View Member menu item for normal members but not for members with a protected identity.

The menu items a user visits are always logged (in ADMINLogMenuItem) but for sensitive data you may need to log exactly what entries are viewed. Do the logging in this call as the common ways of viewing data (grid and InfoSQL) are not allowed to modify the database.

If you bind a scalar function instead of a stored procedure to this call then its name must end with '_GrantAccess'.

May modify database: Yes

Resultset: Access permissions

Return whether the user is allowed to visit the menu item with the current parameters.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: exactly one row
GrantAccess mandatory bit
1 if the user is allowed to view the menu item, 0 if the user should not be allowed to view the menu item.

If 0 then an error will be logged as the user should not have been able to reach the menu item with the given parameters in the first place.

Querystring parameters

menuitemheading optional
String that replaces the menu item name when the menu item is loaded. It does not replace the name before that (like for example in the navigator). It is ignored if the menu item is displayed as a part in a multipart in which case the name can be set from the multipart procedure.